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8 Ball Pool Cheats - Target Range hack

8 Ball Pool Cheats - Target Range hack
Tested and Working
  1. Go to 8 Ball Pool on facebook - click to play
  2. Go to Lobby
  3. Open Cheat Engine
  4. Click mini cpu icon at the top left of cheat engine to select process.
  5. Select the second FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe for firefox users. For google chrome users
  6. Value type from '4 bytes' to 'Array of Bytes'
  7. Scan '2A D2 A2 A0 A2 A0 24 0A D3'
  8. Double click the result or click the 1st address, hold shift and then click the last address to select all the address then click the red arrow
  9. Change all the values to '2A D2 A2 A2 A2 A2 24 2A D3' (Select 1 address below. Hold Ctrl +A and then hit Enter key)

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