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Outernauts Hack Star Gems

Outernauts Hack Star Gems

  1. Open Cheat Engine
  2. Select browser in process list. (2nd Flashplayerplugin.exe for firefox users. See tutorial links above for Chrome users to select the correct browser or the cheat will not work d0h)
  3. Enter the game [click to play Outernauts]
  4. When the game is loading, Enable Speedhack, change value to 0 and click apple! The loading should pause.
  5. Change scan type to Array of Bytes.
  6. First scan 
  7. 60 FF 1C 46 AD 13 00 12 04 00 00 24 01 63 06
  8. 1 address found. Move it to the Address list (click red arrow)
  9. Change value to
  10. 2d e1 02 d6 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02
  11. Now change speedhack back to 1 and apply. Game will continue loading.
  12. You should see you have max gold now.
  13. Go to the store and buy a Stargem item. You will +10,000 gems per cash items purchases.

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